
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) is an Event Marketplace platform for Events Related Businesses.

To edit your listing/add new listing and much more.

  • Mobile

– Once logged in, click on the hamburger menu on the left hand side, select dashboard.

– Select Add listing on the left hand side of the page

– Fill in the necessary details

– Save and preview

  • Laptop

– Once logged in, select dashboard on the right side of the page

– Select Add listing on the left hand side of the page

– Fill in the necessary details

– Save and preview

  • Mobile

– Once logged in, click on the hamburger menu on the left hand side, select dashboard

  • Laptop

– Once logged in, select dashboard on the right side of the page

Customers can reach you by sending you a message on your listing page or

Through your contact details on our platform.

The number of possible listings depends on the subscription plan.

You can reach our support team by simply clicking on the What’sapp icon on website